Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Getting started!

Getting Started

Have you ever started something, a project, a fitness routine, a goal and you didn't finish? Did you have to start over? What if I told you this challenge could change you physically and mentally? That's right, in order to lose weight, you've got to change the way you think. Have you ever heard "MIND OVER MATTER"? That's what we focus on first. So, are you tired of starting over? Let's change it once and for all!
So what is a challenge group?
A fitness challenge group is a small group of like minded people all working together to help each other WIN.
The fact is – I could just sell you P90X or Shakeology, earn some money for referring you to the program, and send you on your way.  And that’s exactly what a lot of coaches do.
But I want you to succeed.  I want you to feel good about yourself and I want you to reach your goals!
That’s why I started these Fitness Groups!  We all need a little PUSH now and then.  And chances are without a coach and without that support group there to hold you accountable, you are likely to fall through the cracks and never see changes in your life.  My Fitness Challenge Groups help people get the BEST results possible.
What is my commitment as a Challenger?
The commitment is 60 days of your preferred Beachbody workout program, Shakeology every day and a private Facebook accountability page for daily mini challenges, support and motivation.
–You do everything at home, on your time and your schedule.
–Group interaction is all done on a private Facebook group where the team posts each day.
What do I need to do to get started?
It’s simple!
1st – Order a Challenge Pack.
2nd – Email me for future start dates.
What is a Challenge packs?
A Challenge Pack includes the following
  • Workout program of your choice
  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®—The Healthiest Meal of the Day®, delivered through Home Direct, our autoship program that ensures timely delivery of Shakeology to your doorstep every month.*
  • A FREE 30-day trial membership in the Team Beachbody® Club
  • Plus FREE standard shipping!

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