Friday, July 26, 2013

5 TIPS to move in the Right direction....

Let's face it, if we want something, we work for it. Think about when you wanted a car, or maybe an outfit or prom dress. I remember what my parents told me, "Get a job, if you want it you are going to have to earn it!" More and more I have seen that mentality shift or lessen. For example, your health and body shape. How many of us have blamed the way we look on our genetics or our children. I'm sure everyone has at least once. It's easy to blame something or someone else, it's like validation that it's okay to continue with the same habits. In order to become what we want, we have to "earn it" or "work for it." Mind over matter, right? So these are some of the tips that I have been focusing on. Pick one or two and run with it...
1. Identify your BLIND SPOTS, what is it that annoys/ angers/ irritates you? Take note of that, once you find what triggers this, work on how to overcome your reaction or work through them.
2. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Do something different, by trying something new you will learn how to act in new circumstances or environments.
3. QUIT a bad habit, and CULTIVATE a new habit! Give yourself an incentive to quit that habit, find something to replace it with that will benefit you in the long run. But pick something realistic, is now the right time to quit that habit? When picking a new habit, find one that is going to push you in the right direction, or challenge you.
4. LET GO OF THE PAST! This should be number 1 for me, forgive yourself and/or others and move on.
5. Start a challenge, at least 21 days or longer. Surround yourself with positive influences and set goals of what you want to accomplish. Spend time learning from others and creating strategies and actions to complete your goals and/or challenges.

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