So you had a cheat meal.... or maybe a cheat day, here are some tips to get over it and back on track NOW!!
First and foremost, forgive yourself, you're human.
So I hear it takes 21 days to break a habit, remember you are trying to break habits that have formed for months, years, or maybe a lifetime.
Start your day, or your next meal with a cleanse (even if its water and lemon)
Clear out your system so you are ready to continue those good habits you are starting on.
Get the bad food OUT of your sight, or your house, after a cheat meal its easy to feel guilty and continue to binge or eat out of emotion. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
Last plan your cheat meals (if you're that person) I like to give myself a week of clean eating. Add a cheat meal to the end of my week so I have something to look forward to and I can stay on track. If you can prepare for that cheat, you won't feel as guilty, and it will be easier to get back on track.
If you want to try a lemon water cleanse, you need:
Lemon, fresh (you can also buy lemon, squeeze into ice trays and freeze for when you need it.
Hot water
Drink it before your next few meals (its even great to start your day with)