I remember the first day I joined my first challenge group, it was a Summer Slimdown group, I had extra baby weight to lose (10 months post baby).
Going to the gym wasn't happening for me, I was still stopping at McDonalds at least 5 times a week... So there went any results I would have gotten. I needed something more convenient and with a better focus on my eating habits.
I hated the taste of Shakeology when I got it (I got the last batch before they redid the flavors), but I hate the taste of protein shakes, so I kept at it, I knew the HEALTH benefits outweighed the taste.
My husband resented the bland food he ate for dinner (thank you TBB and 21 Day Fix, I have learned to make yummy healthy food--even my kids eat it).
I have access to working out all the time, so if my kids nap, I can squeeze it in, and its choreographed WORLD CLASS workouts!
And best of all, I can use it time and time again, like after my 3rd baby
I've learned something while on this new journey...
There are 3 types of people:
Those who MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what happened.
It would have been easy to sit and make an excuse, after all I had 3 babies, but instead of sitting on March 31st WONDERING what happened, or WATCHING others make things happen for themselves. I used my baby for weights, I paused the DVD to take care of my kids... but I DIDN'T stop! I was the only person that could MAKE this happen for me!!!
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